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Apresentação do caso

Girl, 9 years old, started weakness in lower limbs, frequent falls with progressive worsening of ascending weakness and later distal involvement of upper limbs, in addition to burning pain in the calves. About eight days before the condition, she received vaccination with the 2nd dose of coronavac.
At the initial evaluation, the patient had normal cognitive examination, incomplete tetraparesis with symmetrical crural predominance, on the MRC scale in lower limbs grade II and in upper limbs grade IV, absent osteotendinous reflexes, preserved superficial and deep sensitivity, cranial nerves without alterations. Normal sphincter function.
Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid on the 3rd day of symptoms without alterations, however, in an electroneuromyographic study, non-length dependent multifocal motor axonal polyneuropathy was evidenced compatible with guillain-barré syndrome (AMAN variant).
The patient was treated with intravenous human immunoglobulin for five days, in view of the evidence of clinical worsening over the five days due to the appearance of new superficial hypoesthesia and electroneuromyographic worsening that showed multifocal and non-length-dependent sensory and motor axonal polyneuropathy (AMSAN). , performed five sessions of plasmapheresis, with partial improvement.


Guillain Barré syndrome is characterized by post-trigger autoimmune peripheral nerve involvement, in most cases infectious, either of the myelin sheath or of the axon itself, which classically courses with acute/subacute ascending areflex weakness, with symptoms peaking at around 2 to 3 weeks. Typically, a cytological protein dissociation is observed in the CSF, but a large number of patients may not experience dissociation in the first three weeks. Another useful test, especially for classifying the pattern of involvement, is electroneuromyography. Acute treatment involves intravenous human immunoglobulin and/or plasmapheresis, in addition to symptomatic treatment and clinical support. Chronic treatment involves a multidisciplinary team to ensure rehabilitation.

Comentários finais

We considered the case of interest for exposure, in view of the temporal report of vaccination with the coronavac vaccine, without other possible triggers associated with the outbreak of the condition. It is important to know the syndrome for the correct diagnosis and follow-up of these patients.

Referências (se houver)

Tratado de neurologia infantil / Marcelo Masruha Rodrigues, Luiz Celso Pereira Vilanova. - 1. ed. - Rio de Janeiro : Atheneu, 2017
Malta, J. M. A. S. Ramalho, W. M. Aumento das internações por síndrome de Guillain-Barré no Brasil: estudo ecológico. Epidemiol. Serv. Saude, Brasília, 29(4): e:2020056, 2020
Leonhard, S. E. et al. Diagnosis and management of Guillain-Barré syndrome in ten steps. Nature Reviews | Neurology, v. 15, p. 671-683, 2019.
Verboon, C. et al. Current treatment practice of Guillain-Barré syndrome. Neurology 93, e59–e76 (2019).
Walgaard, C. et al. Prediction of respiratory insufficiency in Guillain-Barré syndrome. Ann. Neurol. 67, 781–787 (2010).

Fonte de Fomento (se houver)

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Sem conflito de interesses.


Neuroimunologia, esclerose múltipla e outras doenças desmielinizantes


HC FMUSP - São Paulo - Brasil


Nicholas dos Santos Barros, José Albino da Paz, Renata Barbosa Paolilo, Clarice Semião Coimbra, Roberta Diniz de Almeida, Rafaela Fernandes Dantas, Ana Cristina Azevedo Leão, Renata Silva de Mendonça, Daniel Shoji Hayashi