Dados do Trabalho



Apresentação do caso

Case report carried out based on observation of a male child patient (3 years and 10 months old) diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) by medical and psychological opinion, submitted to Neuromodulation therapies provided by the Radioelectric Asymmetric Conveyer (REAC). The referred patient had limitations regarding cognition, neurodevelopment, social-affective skills and communication (non-existent in a vocalized way), common traits to ASD, which directly affect the patient and their family’s life quality and mental state. In the same way, the REAC therapy works by creating an electric gradient between the machine and the patient, unleashing an ion flow that recomposes the bioelectrical fields and the cell polarity. Moreover, the therapy influences two other fronts: (1) stimulation of areas of the cortex, especially the prefrontal; (2) Optimization of the action of neurotransmitters on nerve synapses.


After the application of 3 cycles of 18 sessions, the patient analyzed showed physicognitive and behavioral improvements: (1) In the body field, the child with ASD highlighted better psychomotor control, coordinating more effectively and concretely balance and spatial orientation. Futhermore, the patient constituted the ability to practice physical activities such as jumping and running in an orderly way. (2) In the cognitive prism, the follow-up of the patient denotes a significant improvement in the communicative capacity, in which, although there is no composition of sentences, there is structuring of responsive faculty and formation of musicality skills. In addition, activities with greater mental requirements, such as puzzles and color identification, are best answered by the patient. (3) Concerning to the behavioral area, there was greater emotional control, with a reduction in the frequency of crises of dysregulation - going from daily to weekly -, greater independence, improvement of the condition of social coexistence and improvement in the structuring of affective relationships, especially with family members.

Comentários finais

Therefore, the evolution of the patient is inferred in an atypical way to the disorder, highlighting positive points for child development in the cognitive, social, communicative and affective areas. Therefore, the possibility of Neuromodulation through the Asymmetric Radio Converter is qualified as a therapeutic proposal in the follow-up of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

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Declaração de conflito de interesses de TODOS os autores

I, Eduardo Cristhian Oliveira de Souza Mota, declare that there was no conflict of interests of an academic, financial, political or commercial nature during the production of this report on my part with the other authors.

I, Gabriel Vitor Oliveira de Souza Mota, declare that there was no conflict of interests of an academic, financial, political or commercial nature during the production of this report on my part with the other authors.

I, Alyssa Maria Rigon Bueno, declare that there was no academic, financial, political or commercial conflict of interest during the production of this report on my part with the other authors.

I, Kauê Magalhães Castro dos Santos, declare that there was no conflict of interests of an academic, financial, political or commercial nature during the production of this report on my part with the other authors.
I declare that there was no academic, financial, political or commercial conflict of interest during the production of this report on my part with the other authors.

I, Renato Lobato da Costa Nunes, declare that there was no academic, financial, political or commercial conflict of interest during the production of this report on my part with the other authors.

I, Jonas Araripe Gabriel Dantas, declare that there was no academic, financial, political or commercial conflict of interest during the production of this report on my part with the other authors.

I, Giuliana Almeida da Silva dos Santos, declare that there was no conflict of interests of an academic, financial, political or commercial nature during the production of this report on my part with the other authors.

I, Douglas Machado da Costa, declare that there was no conflict of interests of an academic, financial, political or commercial nature during the production of this report on my part with the other authors.

I, Ana Paula Palheta Faria, declare that there was no academic, financial, political or commercial conflict of interest during the production of this report on my part with the other authors.


Transtornos neuropsiquiátricos e distúrbios de aprendizagem




Eduardo Cristhian Oliveira de Souza Mota, Alyssa Maria Rigon Bueno, Gabriel Vitor Oliveira de Souza Mota, Kaue Magalhães Castro Santos , Renato Lobato da Costa Nunes, Jonas Gabriel Araripe Dantas, Douglas Machado Costa , Giuliana Almeida da Silvas Santos, Ana Paula Palheta Faria