Dados do Trabalho




Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental pathology characterized by persistent degrees of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity - manifested in various spheres in which the individual is inserted - and is associated with neural aspects of the prefrontal cortex. In this sense, the disorder directly affects the learning and development of children.


To understand the main pathophysiological and symptomatic aspects of ADHD in children and the impact of such a disorder on the quality of life of patients.


Literature Review Study based on research in PubMEd, CAPES Journal and SCIELO databases using the descriptors "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder", "Physiopathology" and "Impacts". The inclusion criteria were articles published between the years 2012-22 in Portuguese or English; and, as exclusion methods, articles that preceded the period 2012.


After the research and application of the filters, 13 articles were selected for discussion regarding physiology: 70% of the articles found deal with the pathology of the disorder being intrinsic to deficits in the neural circuits of the prefrontal cortex and the action of neurotransmitters of the dopaminergic and noradrenergic pathway. On the other hand, 30% of the articles address other aspects such as a delay in myelination of the prefrontal cortex, impacting on anatomical and functional aspects of the region. Under another bias, it was analyzed the impact that the symptoms of ADHD brings to children living with the disorder: it was highlighted in 12 studies that ADHD has an impact on learning and school development and may result in damage to adulthood. Moreover, it was denoted, through 6 studies, that children with ADHD tend to have losses in their personal relationships and in the development of personal aspects - such as trust and security.


Therefore, it is concluded from the study presented that ADHD is a disorder of pathophysiological complexity that acts, in general, on the prefrontal cortex. Consequently, it brings losses to the development of children with the disorder - especially those inserted in the school environment, who may acquire difficulties in their learning if there is no adequate management of the disorder.

Palavras chave

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Neurodevelopment and Childhood

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Fonte de Fomento (se houver)

Declaração de conflito de interesses de TODOS os autores

I, Eduardo Cristhian Oliveira de Souza Mota, declare that there was no conflict of interests of an academic, financial, political or commercial nature during the production of this report on my part with the other authors. I, Gabriel Vitor Oliveira de Souza Mota, declare that there was no conflict of interests of an academic, financial, political or commercial nature during the production of this report on my part with the other authors. I, Alyssa Maria Rigon Bueno, declare that there was no academic, financial, political or commercial conflict of interest during the production of this report on my part with the other authors. I, Kauê Magalhães Castro dos Santos, declare that there was no conflict of interests of an academic, financial, political or commercial nature during the production of this report on my part with the other authors. I, Renato Lobato da Costa Nunes, declare that there was no academic, financial, political or commercial conflict of interest during the production of this report on my part with the other authors. I, Jonas Araripe Gabriel Dantas, declare that there was no academic, financial, political or commercial conflict of interest during the production of this report on my part with the other authors. I, Lucas Sousa de Souza, declare that there was no conflict of interests of an academic, financial, political or commercial nature during the production of this report on my part with the other authors. I, Douglas Machado da Costa, declare that there was no conflict of interests of an academic, financial, political or commercial nature during the production of this report on my part with the other authors. I, Ana Paula Palheta Faria, declare that there was no academic, financial, political or commercial conflict of interest during the production of this report on my part with the other authors.


Transtornos neuropsiquiátricos e distúrbios de aprendizagem


Universidade Federal do Amapá - UNIFAP - Amapá - Brasil


Eduardo Cristhian Oliveira de Souza Mota, Jonas Gabriel Araripe Dantas, Gabriel Vitor Oliveira de Souza Mota, Alyssa Maria Rigon Bueno, Kauê Magalhães Castro dos Santos, Douglas Machado da Costa, Lucas Sousa e Souza, Ana Paula Palheta Faria, Renato Lobato da Costa Nunes