XXVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Neurofisiologia Clínica 2021





Antonino Uncini is full professor of Neurology at the University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara in Italy. His interest in peripheral neuropathies initiated in 1985 when, thanks to a research fellowship of the Italian National Center of Research, had the opportunity to work in the Peripheral Nerve Laboratory of the Pennsylvania University, directed by prof. Austin Sumner, where he studied the electrophysiological and morphological correlates of demyelination in an experimental model. On 1986 he was appointed assistant professor of Neurology at Columbia University and professional electromyographer of the Neurological Institute of New York. In that period Uncini collaborated with prof. Norman Latov and became interested in autoimmune neuropathies which is still his main research field. After his return to Italy, prof. Uncini served as Coordinator of the Peripheral Nerve Study Group of the Italian Society of Neurology (2005-2009), Secretary and President of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology (2010-2016). Prof. Uncini has published more than 200 papers, mostly on peripheral neuropathies, and is frequently invited to lecture on this topic worldwide.


